Media Releases
South Australian regions wanting to grow their populations, and fill local workplace shortages through migration, will now have access to a step-by-step toolkit on regional settlement.
Visitors to South Australia over the winter school holidays are reminded to leave fruit and vegetables at home to avoid a frosty reception at the state’s borders.
The Marshall Liberal Government is inviting applications for the second $5 million competitive funding round of the Regional Growth Fund, which opens today.
The fight against the devastating Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS) virus has been given a shot in the arm with $750,000 research funding secured for three more years to develop oysters resistant to the disease.
For the first time South Australia’s grain industry will have a whole-of-industry focused strategic plan to drive further growth and value in the state’s largest agriculture sector.
The Marshall Liberal Government has ramped up the fight against a Queensland fruit fly outbreak at Lindsay Point in Victoria with the release of millions of sterile flies this week.
A vast majority of South Australian farmers started sowing their crops for the 2019–20 season in April with welcome rainfall providing a kick-start ahead of a forecast dry season, according to the latest Crop and Pasture Report.
The Marshall Liberal Government will make it easier for South Australian farmers to purchase sheep from across the border in an effort to fast track rebuilding the state’s flock after drought.
Opportunities to grow South Australia’s AgTech sector will be top of the agenda as Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone travels to Israel today as part of an Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce Trade Mission.
“The Marshall Liberal Government went to the last election with a commitment to improve recreational fishing representation in South Australia,” said Minster Whetstone.