If you are a sporting club, service club, group or organisation in the Chaffey electorate and would like to be included on Tim’s mailing list to be advised about upcoming grants, please phone the Chaffey Electorate office on (08) 8582 4230 or use the Contact Tim page.
NRM Community and Volunteer Support Grants
NRM Community and Volunteer Support Grants help support community groups carry out local land care, coast care and water care projects. Funding will be provided for a range of NRM activities such as sustainable land management, weed control, native plant revegetation, soil protection, fencing watercourses, and habitat protection for native animals.
An additional $60,000 is available for Friends of Parks groups and volunteer groups to undertake small projects on national parks and reserves. Small Volunteer Support Grants up to $5,000, small NRM Community Grants up to $10,000 and medium NRM Community Grants between $10,001 and $30,000 are available.
Further information including how to apply is available on the NRM website at: www.naturalresources.sa.org.au.
Volunteer Support Fund
The Volunteer Support Fund is designed to help small, incorporated, not-for-profit organisations to support and foster their volunteers. Community organisations can receive funding in individual grants of up to $3,000 for initiatives that assist volunteer programs.
It is expected that successful applicants use the funding to advance and assist volunteer supporting programs, expand volunteer participation, and promote the value of volunteering within the community. Organisations must be community based, not-for-profit and incorporated to be eligible to apply.
Volunteer Support Fund guidelines and application forms are available from www.ofv.sa.gov.au.
Multicultural Grants Scheme
There are no opening and closing dates for Multicultural Grants - applications can be made at any time.
Organisations can apply for assistance for small, medium or major grants in each of the following categories:
- Festivals;
- Projects and Events;
- Community Development;
as well as
- Using the Media to Promote Multiculturalism.
If you are considering applying for a grant you may wish to contact a grants officer on 8226 1944 to clarify any matters about your application. Multicultural SA can also provide an interpreter should you require assistance to complete the application form.
Arts SA
Funding programs through Arts SA support local community festivals and events, help South Australian artists and arts organisations with targeted initiatives that embrace innovation, vision, originality and leadership, and encourage greater participation in the arts throughout the community.
Funding can help artists build careers as well as strengthen local communities through improved arts facilities, the presentation of arts events and festivals or the commissioning of public art projects.
Programs cover every art form. There is a wide range of grants available which are aimed at bringing artistic projects and creative endeavours to fruition, thus making it possible for people of all ages to experience the arts and culture in South Australia.
Grants are offered through the following programs:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) arts development
- Arts and disability
- Arts facilities and equipment
- Arts organisations
- Community arts
- Contemporary music
- Independent makers and presenters
- New commissions and exhibitions
- Public art and design
Most programs offer funding rounds throughout the year.
Further information is available from www.arts.sa.gov.au and by contacting Arts SA on 8463 5444 or by email: [email protected].
ANZAC Day Commemoration Fund
The ANZAC Day Commemoration Council provides grants up to $10,000 to support a range on initiatives that focus on educating the community about the significance of ANZAC Day and commemorating our nation's military heritage. Any individual, ex-service organisation, local government authority, community organisation, special interest group, researcher, school or other educational institution, parent group or other not-for-profit organisation may apply for funds, provided the applicant is based in South Australia.
Guidelines, application forms and further information can be found at www.veteranssa.sa.gov.au.
For more information telephone: (08) 8226 3502 or email [email protected].
Community Voices Program
The Office for Volunteers' Community Voices program provides a unique oppotunity for community groups to work in partnership with the Department of Screen and Media at Flinders University and sees students working with volunteer organisations to produce:
- Community documentaries to be used for promotion, training or recruitment by the organisation.
- Community service announcements (television commercials) to promote, retain and recruit volunteers.
This annual program opens in October each year.
Copies of the program brochure and application form will then be available from the website: www.dhs.sa.gov.au.
Volunteer Training Grant
This program provides a unique opportunity for communities, across metropolitan and country areas of South Australia, to apply for grants to deliver free training to support their local volunteers.
Gants will be awarded to assist eligible South Australian volunteer resource centres, councils, training providers and not-for-profit incorporated community organisations to deliver free training for volunteers and volunteer managers to obtain the skills and qualifications needed to support their volunteering roles, and meet the identified training needs of the local community.
Free Volunteer Training Grants Guidelines and Application forms are available from the Office for Volunteers website at www.ofv.sa.gov.au or phone 1300 014 712.
Grants for Seniors / Positive Ageing Development Grants
Grants for Seniors provides funding of up to $5,000 to volunteer agencies, self-help groups, community organisations, education and training bodies, arts and cultural groups and recreation and sporting groups (refer to guidelines for further information). These one off grants are to help older people to be involved in their community and continue participating in activities of their choice. Funding is provided for the purchase of:
- equipment or materials
- cultural, social or skill enhancing activities
- fitness, sporting or educational programs.
Priority is given to special needs populations and small community groups that receive limited or no significant funding from other sources. For more information phone the Office for the Ageing on 8204 2420.
Positive Ageing Development Grants are aimed at cultural, educational, training and arts bodies, as well as volunteer, self-help, community, recreational and sporting organisations that promote choices and opportunities for older people to remain connected to their communities. Expressions of interest will be invited for grants of up to $25,000 on a one-off basis over a one-year period for projects which provide opportunities and choices for older people in line with the following themes:
- enabling choice and independence
- participation and learning
- positive perceptions.
For more information phone the Office for the Ageing on 8204 2420.
The program guidelines and expression of interest application form are available on the website: www.sahealth.sa.gov.au or phone my office on 8582 4230.
Community Benefit Grants
Community Benefit SA distributes funds from gaming machine taxes to assist community organisations meet social welfare needs. This program assists disadvantaged individuals, families and communities by providing one-off project grants to incorporated, non-government, non-profit, charitable and social welfare organisations to:
- improve the well-being, quality of life, community participation and life management skills of disadvantaged individuals and communities; and
- develop and strengthen communities across the metropolitan, rural and remote regions of South Australia.
Average grant amounts are $10,000 with a maximum of $50,000 for some projects. Projects can be for equipment, one-off programs, facility upgrades or strategic improvements for community service providers.
Information sessions about guidelines and how to apply for grants will be available, please contact Community Benefit SA on 1300 650 985 for key dates or to register for a session.
Funding and eligibility guidelines are available form the website: www.dhs.sa.gov.au.
Community Grants
The South Australian Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), in partnership with the Motor Accident Commission (MAC), is offering grants for groups and organisations to deliver small scale projects that promote safer, greener and more active travel choices. Projects can focus on improving road safety, getting people cycling, walking or catching public transport, replacing car journeys with technology, doing things locally or using the car smarter.
DPTI is delivering information sessions to potential grant applicants to assist applicants in developing and implementing quality projects.
For more information about the grants information session or to apply, visit www.dpti.sa.gov.au, email [email protected] or call (08) 8402 1913.
Active Club Program - Round 49
The Active Club Program provides assistance to strengthen and sustain community sport and active recreation organisations through club development, programs and equipment.
An amount of $2.35 million is available annually in the Active Club Program.
Round 49 of the Active Club Program is now open and the aim is to assist eligible sporting clubs and organisations reboot from COVID-19.
This program helps those eligible with program and equipment funding up to $3000.
Guidelines and application forms are available from the Office of Recreation and Sport (ORS) by phoning (08) 7424 7708 or visit www.orsr.sa.gov.au.
Community Recreation & Sport Facilities Program
The Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program (CRSFP) offers financial assistance for the planning and development of sustainable, inclusive, functional and fit for purpose sport and active recreation facilities that meet the current and future needs of the South Australian community.
This grant opens for one round each year with available funding of $4.280 million in 2018-19 to not-for-profit, incorporated sport and active recreation groups that do not hold a gaming machine licence. Not-for-profit, incorporated community associations, local government authorities and educational institutions are also eligible to apply.
The grant amount requested cannot be more than 50% of the total project cost.
Please note that:
- Applicants will be eligible to apply for one project per category
- Applicants for Category 3 must demonstrate at least a matched funding commitment
- Applicants for Category 3 and 4 will make applications by phoning (08) 7424 7708
- Applicants must demonstrate landowner consent for the project. A template will be provided to assist applicants.
- Affiliated sport or active recreation organisations should seek the endorsement of the relevant state association or peak body. A template will be provided to assist applicants.
- Facility projects that are unsuccessful under the Active Club Program electoral allocation will get a second chance assessment under category 2 of the Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program.
Copies of the program brochure and application form are available on the website: www.orsr.sa.gov.au or by phoning ORS (08) 7424 7708.
Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program
The Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program (SRDIP) will assist eligible organisations to develop and implement projects that will grow the sport or activity, improve services and/or address barriers to inclusion. This grant opens for one round each year with available funding of $4.073million per annum to eligible sport and recreation organisations, local councils and community organisations - please see the website www.recsport.sa.gov.au to confirm eligibility. There is no limit to the request on applications; the assessment will consider value for money and the applicant's contribution to the project. There will be 3 grant types:
- Projects with a statewide or regional focus
- Projects promoting inclusive recreation or inclusive sport opportunities
- Projects that deliver significant community benefit.
Successful organisations will be required to enter into a formal agreement with the Minister for Recreation and Sport.
When the round opens, copies of the program brochure and application form will be available from the website: www.recsport.sa.gov.au/ or from my office on 8294 6711.
Dame Roma Mitchell Grants for children and young people
Eligible children and young people can apply through application for a grant to:
- assist them to achieve personal goals
- contribute to their health and wellbeing
- provide them with developmental opportunities.
There are two grant rounds annually.
Guidelines, application forms and further information can be found at www.childprotection.sa.gov.au.
For further information contact the DRMTF Executive Officer on 1300 650 971 or by emailing [email protected].
Letters of Support
Once you have completed a grant application, evidence of community support is often required. This may be from stakeholders in the project, the local council or your State and/or Federal Members of Parliament. Tim is happy to provide community organisations with letters of support to accompany their applications. The following information may be of assistance:
Get in early! Letters of support are usually highlighted at the end of the application and are only thought of near the end of the process and close to the deadline. When you first receive your application make contact with those you require letters of support from as soon as possible; this saves you having to rush around at the last minute and is appreciated by those being approached to prepare a letter for you as many organisations are often requesting letters at the same time.
Be clear about the project you are seeking funding for and provide all the relevant information when requesting your letter of support, including an overview of your project, how the project is going to benefit the club and/or wider community, general information about your organisation and what efforts have been made to contribute to the cost of the project. A copy of the completed or draft application would be most helpful.
Other Sources of Information
Apart from the above, there are many other grants available. You may find the following websites helpful:
- Grant Search
- Our Community
- Grants Directory
- Regional Funding and Grants Register
- GrantsLINK
- SA Grants Database
- South Australian Youth Entrepreneur Scheme
- Youth Arts Board
Many Local Councils also provide funding to community organisations either through a funding program or by special application. Contact your local Council for details.
- District Council of Loxton Waikerie
- Berri Barmera Council
- Renmark Paringa Council
- Mid Murray Council
- District Council of Karoonda East Murray
- Southern Mallee District Council
And finally, don't forget to keep your eye on the newspapers as details of upcoming grants are generally advertised in The Advertiser, Murray Pioneer, Mildura Weekly and Murray Valley Standard.