I welcome the opportunity to provide tours for local community groups and schools who wish to visit Parliament House.
Free tours of Parliament House are available at 10am and 2pm on non-sitting week days.
Anyone requiring disability access to Parliament House should call (08) 8237 9100 during normal business hours for assistance
Community Groups and Schools Visiting Parliament House
Community Groups and Schools who wish to visit Parliament House will need to contact the Hammond Electorate Office on (08) 8531 1676 to arrange a time and discuss the availability options.
The Electorate Office will need to know:
- When you would like to visit however please be flexible to accommodate my availability as well as your own
- Would you like sitting or non-sitting day?
Sitting Days:
You cannot go on the floor of the Houses on sitting days You can book to visit Question Time if you plan ahead
Non-Sitting Days:
You can go on the floor of the Houses and sit in the seats in the House of Assembly and take photos There are likely to be less groups visiting at the one time
When are sitting days?
Parliament SA Sitting Calendar
On a Non-Sitting Day you can choose a suitable time for you and your local Member of Parliament.
- How many students or people will be attending?
- How many supervisors and teachers will be attending?
On the Day you Visit
Enter Parliament House via the Centre Steps and Centre Hall Security machines similar to the Airport are in operation at the entrance and students and adults will need to have all of their bags and personal items scanned – you may like to allow an extra 5 minutes to your arrival time for this process to occur.
Approach the reception desk. At the reception desk inform the staff member of your school name and the name of the Member of Parliament who is meeting with your group and they will contact them while you store the bags with your class. You will be issued with a key for storage of bags on the lower ground floor. You keep the key so that students’ bags are secure but still available if there are any emergency situations like needing an asthma inhaler. There are also public toilets available near the bag storage area.
You will be met by your local Member of Parliament in the Centre Hall area. Each student will receive brochures on the Parliamentary processes and the Parliamentary buildings.
What will you see?
The Old Parliament House Chamber unless there is a Committee operating in there
The House of Assembly Chamber
The Legislative Council Chamber
The Parliamentary Library if time permits
Student Parliamentary Debate
On a Non-Sitting Week you may wish to perform a Parliamentary Style Debate which you have prepared during your visit. This may be negotiated with your local Member of Parliament or contact the Education Officer on 8237 9386 for further details.