Parliamentary Speeches


Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (15:33): I rise today to speak about a very important day, World Suicide Prevention Day, on 10 September, and 9 September is R U OK? Day, which is another great initiative for mental health and suicide prevention. I would like to speak today about some statistics and give an understanding of the impacts that mental health and suicide have on the global population and, more importantly, what that means to us in South Australia.

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Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (15:45): I rise to speak about an issue that is quite concerning, particularly in the regions, and a conversation that South Australians at large have—that is, the impact of mental health and the ongoing pressures it has on day-to-day life, particularly with the impacts through adversity—whether it is in day-to-day life, enduring the social aspects, the pressures in life or some of the social pressures on people.

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Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (15:28): I will continue my appropriation contribution with a little bit of a history lesson on the Murray-Darling Basin. It is of concern that we have a Labor government that is now going to contribute $2.1 million for a commissioner to do the work that the minister should be doing. I cannot understand, cannot believe, that a Labor government continues to avoid doing the hard work in the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

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Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (11:53): I, too, rise to make a contribution to a very good motion by the member for Narungga. He obviously understands and recognises the shortcomings when providing a good medical service in the regions of South Australia. For far too long we have seen people of the regions having to travel extensive distances with the shortcoming of having those services in our local hospitals or in our local towns due to the shortage of medical practitioners.

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Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (15:09): I would like to talk about a couple of great events that happened in Chaffey in recent weeks. Illuminate Adelaide, the In Depth series at Renmark, what a great showstopper it was. The In Depth lightshow is a multimedia event on the banks of the River Murray in Renmark. Through the collaboration of Illuminate Adelaide, the Tourism Commission and the former Liberal government, the lightshow transforms the river into a storytelling experience. I was joined by the cofounders, Rachael Azzopardi and Lee Cumberlidge, both very passionate, as well as the lead artist, Craig Walsh. Together with local artists and members of the community, it tells the story of the region's history, culture and unique environment.

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Grievance Debate - Chaffey

Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (15:51): I rise to speak on a couple of exciting issues that are happening not only within this place but up in the electorate of Chaffey. The Riverland floodplains are awash at the moment with high flows, and the nine year Riverine Recovery Project has released its final report. It is an $88.3 million project which has delivered across multiple phases of the floodplain system, particularly around the Riverland floodplain network. The report shows that the 7.24 gigalitres of water that have been returned to the environment are working.

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Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (12:19): Thank you, sir, and congratulations on your retirement speech yesterday. I am sad that I did not contribute, but it was all inclusive, as I witnessed. I would like to make a contribution to the commission to establish and maintain the exceptional tree register. The feeling is that it will impose significant and ongoing administrative function, and it is also unknown exactly what councils will do in implementing such a register.

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Grievance Debate - Chaffey

Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (16:27): It gives me pleasure to talk about some of the happenings in Chaffey over the last week—some of it good and some of it not so good, but first and foremost I mention the Riverland Auto Street Party celebrating Barmera's centenary. It was also celebrating 100 years of the automobile in Barmera.

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Grievance Debate - Chaffey

Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (15:49): I rise to speak about some of the iconic events that have been happening in the Riverland and Chaffey over the recent week.

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Coorong Environmental Trust Bill

Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (12:04): I, too, would like to rise and make a contribution to the Coorong Environmental Trust Bill. I stand here today somewhat frustrated that we again see another advocacy group wanting to be formed to deal with what has been the elephant in the room within the Murray-Darling Basin for a very long time.

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