Media Releases
South Australia’s recreational fishers would be able to directly elect representatives onto a new recreational fishing advisory body which the government is now seeking public comment on.
South Australian farmers will have greater financial protection and security to grow the state’s economy with legislation to require mandatory farm debt mediation now enshrined in law.
River Murray irrigators, regional businesses and community members will come together today at Loxton to celebrate the outcomes and projects generated by the $265 million South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program.
A new voice will soon be helping share South Australia’s story as a Great Wine Capital of the World, following the appointment of the 2018 Wine Communicators of Australia (WCA) Wine Media Cadet.
South Australian scientists will continue to lead the nation’s effort to safeguard valuable oyster industries from the threat of disease, after extra funding has been made available.
Planting has taken place today at a trial manuka plantation site in the State’s Mid North, as part of a project exploring the viability of growing the premium product in the region.
The possibility of sashimi grade pipis is being tested as the State Government supports Goolwa PipiCo to investigate the high value product opportunity.
A new program to strengthen South Australia’s farm biosecurity and animal health management was officially launched today at the Eyre Peninsula Field Days.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reinvigorate your regions. Now is the time to start finalising applications for the State Government’s first round of the Regional Growth Fund, which closes on 31 August.
Experienced forester, Mr Keith Lamb, has today been appointed to the Board of ForestrySA to strengthen the organisation’s strategic asset management capability.