The Training and Skills Forum will provide a chance for Riverland industry, training organisations, employers and apprentices to come together to exchange ideas and work on the challenges facing the sector.
Member for Chaffey Tim Whetstone said the Minister for Innovation and Skills, the Hon David Pisoni MP, would be the special guest on June 17th.
“Hosting Minister Pisoni gives Riverlanders a perfect opportunity to learn how we can work to grow our apprenticeships and traineeships and continue to grow a workforce that meets the needs of our region,” Mr Whetstone said. “The forum will also have a focus on labour force challenges and how potential employees can develop skills for the future in the Riverland.”
“It will be an opportunity for younger people to come along, who may be making decisions about their future and they’ll be able to hear about what trade or skills might click with them which may help their decision process as they embark on the next stage of life.”
“The forum is free, and I would encourage anyone that may be interested to register to come along.”
The Training and Skills Forum will commence at 4.30 pm Thursday June 17th at the Tim O’Brien Room in the Berri Hotel.
RSVP’s can be sent to [email protected] or by phoning 8582 4230.