Interstate travelers heading into South Australia during ‘Mad March’ are being reminded to leave fruit at home and do not put the state at risk of fruit fly devastation.
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said with an increase in visitors to South Australia, it was now more important than ever to remind friends and family to leave fruit at home.
“We have already seen the devastation fruit fly can cause interstate and that’s why it’s vital we continue to spread the message to visitors to buy local and not bring fruit and vegetables into South Australia and the Riverland,” said Minister Whetstone.
“Every single person entering South Australia must respect our strict quarantine laws which prohibit people bringing fruit in.
“It only takes one piece of larvae infested fruit to severely impact industries and communities.
“Whether you illegally carry one piece of fruit or 20 in your vehicle, you will be penalised.”
Minister Whetstone said the recently implemented zero tolerance policy at the Yamba Quarantine Station and at random roadblocks will further protect the state from fruit fly.
“Motorists face fines and penalties of between $375 and $20,000 if found with restricted items,” said Minister Whetstone.
“There are ample warnings leading into Yamba about disposing of fresh produce the correct way and if motorists ignore these warning they will be caught and penalised.
“Do not throw fruit out of the window or littering offences will apply.
“Keeping South Australia fruit fly free is everyone’s responsibility and there is a clear and simple message for people travelling into South Australia - do not bring fresh produce otherwise you will pay the penalty.”
For further information on how to keep South Australia fruit fly free visit