Support local this Christmas in wake of SA bushfires

The Marshall Liberal Government is urging the community to support local businesses affected by the devastating South Australian bushfires.

There has been a ground swell of support on social media for the disaster affected communities, including farms, cherry growers and wineries – some who have lost everything.

Minister for Human Services Michelle Lensink urged South Australians to support local in the coming weeks and months.

“Christmas is a time to help people in need and right now our Adelaide Hills and Kangaroo Island communities in particular need our support,” said Minister Lensink.

“I urge South Australians to support local businesses affected by this week’s devastating bushfires, many who have lost their homes and livelihoods.”

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said “more than 40,000 hectares had been burnt across the state, which had resulted in widespread loss of livestock, crops and vineyards.”

“Farmers are also reporting loss of fodder and on-farm irrigation infrastructure which will make it more difficult to maintain stock and crops that have survived the fires,” said Minister Whetstone.

“We have seen a number of apple and cherry orchards effected, along with other horticulture crops.
“PIRSA staff are on-ground doing assessments and are we have officers available to assist with assessment of injured livestock.

“A 24-hour hotline number – 1800 255 556 – has been activated for any primary producer seeking urgent assistance and information and for people wanting to donate hay and feed.

“Given the number of fires and the fact that they are still active it will take some time for us to obtain a full picture of the agricultural impacts.”

For information about personal hardship and distress assistance people can contact the Recovery Hotline on 1800 302 787.

Livestock producers and owners requiring assistance with agistment and fodder supply, and landowners wishing to donate emergency fodder are advised to contact Livestock SA on 0419 035 459.

To stay up to date with the latest recovery information, visit

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