Recreational fishers have less than a week left to nominate for the new Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council.
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone is urging all South Australians with a passion for recreational fishing to consider nominating for the Council before the 11 February closing date.
“More than 30 people have already nominated, but it’s not too late – you can still submit your nomination,” said Minister Whetstone.
“We are seeking five individual members to join the Council and be an important voice for South Australia’s recreational fishing community.
"Of the five positions at least one must be female, one must be an inland fisher and one must represent the tackle sector.
"Those who nominate have a chance to submit a description of themselves to voters, including where they fish, relevant knowledge and experience, and a 'pitch' to explain why they believe they are suitable to be on the Council.”
The Minister's Recreational Fishing Advisory Council is the first of its kind in Australia and the Council will meet with the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development and provide feedback and advice to the government on important recreational fishing issues and initiatives.
“Consultation with recreational fishers during 2018 showed overwhelming support for the creation of this new representative body,” said Minister Whetstone.
To nominate for one of the five individual member positions or for more information visit
If you don't access to the internet, please visit your local library, or the Kingscote, Mt Gambier or Port Lincoln Primary Industries and Regions SA offices to submit your nomination.
Public voting to select the five individual candidates will occur between 18 February and 18 March 2019.