Glossop High School is set to receive a $17.2 million redevelopment funding boost to bring together its two campuses and create capacity to house 800 Year 7 to 12 students.
The school currently operates between two campuses located approximately 10 kilometres apart, with the middle school campus located in Glossop offering Years 8 to 10 and the senior campus in Berri offering Years 11 and 12.
The Government’s investment means the Berri campus will be expanded to accommodate all high school year levels on to the one site, including Year 7s for the first time.
The project will also bring a host of other benefits to students and staff such as access to shared facilities that include the new STEM space and upgraded Home Economics, Performing Arts and Tech Studies areas.
Students will also have access to the newly upgraded Berri-Barmera council’s playing fields and sports complex.
The redevelopment will create a unified campus administration, staff facilities and student services for the entire school, reducing ongoing maintenance costs.
It is anticipated the project will be completed in time for the 2022 school year.
Education Minister John Gardner said the Government is focused on delivering stronger educational outcomes for regional South Australia.
“This redevelopment will bring a number of benefits to the Glossop High School community by providing students with access to world-class education through new learning areas and specialist facilities,” said Minister Gardner.
“It also prepares the school to welcome Year 7 students into high school in 2022, bringing local students in line with the rest of Australia.
“The Marshall Liberal Government is focused on creating a stronger future for regional South Australian students through targeted resources and investment in education.”
Minister for Regional Development and Member for Chaffey Tim Whetstone said today’s announcement was a very welcome investment in the local community.
“This is a major investment into the Berri, Barmera and surrounding communities that clearly demonstrates the Marshall Liberal Government is committed to supporting regional South Australia,” said Minister Whetstone.
“This project will have many benefits for the school, creating a unified campus with modern state-of-the-art learning facilities.
“This project is something that has been needed for a long time, and we are pleased to be delivering what the local community has been advocating for.”