Bordertown border-trap

Visitors driving into South Australia this long weekend are encouraged to remove all fruit from their vehicles before crossing the border after 103 motorists were fined a total of $38,600 last weekend at Bordertown.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said an alarming number of drivers are putting our world-class horticultural industry at risk by ignoring repeated warnings not to bring fruit across the Victorian border into South Australia.

“Almost one in seven vehicles stopped at a random roadblock in Bordertown last weekend were found with fruit and prohibited material,” said Minister Whetstone

“In total, 124 kilograms of prohibited fruit was seized and securely disposed of by Biosecurity SA staff during last weekend’s roadblock.

“The Marshall Liberal Government is rolling out our zero tolerance approach on the border and all 103 motorists detected with illegal fruit at Bordertown will be hit with $375 fines.

“We welcome visitors to South Australia to enjoy our wonderful food, wine and tourism experiences but they must be reminded to leave fruit at home and not put the state’s Pest Free Area status at risk.

“The message needs to get out not to bring prohibited fruit into South Australia and biosecurity staff will be out and about looking to catch people who do the wrong thing.”


Bordertown Roadblock Statistics – Thursday 28 February to Saturday 2 March 2019

Vehicles Inspected                              753

Vehicles found with fruit                       103

Victorian vehicles found with fruit         72

Fruit seized                                          124 kg

Total value of fines                              $38,625

Total value of fines – Victorian vehicles            $27,000

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