“The Marshall Liberal Government went to the last election with a commitment to improve recreational fishing representation in South Australia,” said Minster Whetstone.
“Our Government has implemented this commitment by establishing the Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council.
“The Council is made up of representatives from recreational fishing groups across the state as well as five directly elected members.
“The purpose of this group is to consult with the sector, work together to benefit recreational fishing and to provide advice direct to government about what the sector needs.
“The recreational fishing sector asked for change, and we delivered with the creation of this new Council.
“The Government now recognises the Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council as the primary source of advice regarding recreational fishing.
“Under the former Labor Government RecFish SA was given more than $270,000 over two years to consult with the recreational fishing sector on fisheries management issues. This contract ceases on 30 June 2019.
“Recfish SA has previously been recognised as the peak body, meaning they were the group government went to for advice about the recreational fishing sector.
“This is no longer the case as the Government now seeks its advice primarily from the Minister’s Recreational Fishing Advisory Council.
“The Government will now consult with recreational fishers via this new Council and has redirected financial support accordingly.
“RecFish SA alongside FishinSA and the South Australian Fishing Alliance are free to continue to operate and remain valued stakeholder organisations.”