South Australia's Food and Wine Revenue reaches record $20.3 Billion

South Australia’s food and wine industries have been acknowledged for their outstanding contribution to the state’s economy as revenue reaches record levels, according to the latest State Government 2017-18 Primary Industries Scorecard.

Figures from the Scorecard show the combined gross food and wine revenue increased by two per cent compared to the previous year to reach an historic high of $20.3 billion.

The Scorecard reveals the annual performance of South Australia’s grains, livestock, horticulture, wine, seafood, forestry and dairy sectors and was this year expanded to include forestry, wool, skins, seeds and animal feed.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said revenue from the state’s primary industries and agribusiness totalled $14.8 billion in 2017-18.

“While many of our agricultural industries have faced continued challenges in recent years, it’s important we acknowledge and applaud the outstanding contribution our food and beverage sectors make to South Australia’s economy,” said Minister Whetstone.

“Our primary industries are the state’s largest export sector, accounting for over half of the state’s merchandise exports, and a major employer, particularly in regional South Australia.

“The wool industry was highlighted in the Scorecard as a particularly strong performer thanks to record prices this year and demand from China continuing to increase.

“We’ve also seen positive growth from the state’s wine, dairy and forestry industries.

“While seasonal conditions had an impact on the total production value of field crops and wine grapes, results for the full food and wine industry supply chain increased overall supported by local food and wine retail sales.”

The latest Scorecard shows that in 2017-18 there were 152,000 jobs in primary industries and agribusinesses in South Australia with a total of $14.8 billion in revenue generated from these industries.

The Scorecard is available at

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