$10m investment to boost Riverland

The Riverland will benefit from nearly $70 million of investment in regional South Australia which will be unlocked, creating more than 1,000 jobs, thanks to $12 million from the Marshall Liberal Government’s Regional Growth Fund.

This round of the Regional Growth Fund will deliver nearly $10 million worth of projects benefiting the Riverland, including an expansion to the Berri Hotel, an upgrade at Torrens Valley Orchards and an innovative project at Yalumba Wine Company to help future-proof South Australia’s wine industry.

The three projects are expected to create more than 120 jobs and support the local economy.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development David Basham said this stimulus funding will help South Australia’s economy bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic.

“2020 has been a tough year for South Australians and our regions have been hit particularly hard firstly with drought, then bushfires and now the coronavirus pandemic,” said Minister Basham.

“This $12 million from the Regional Growth Fund will unlock nearly $70 million of investment in South Australia’s economy – creating more than 1,000 jobs across the state.

“Our regions are a key driver for the South Australian economy and this will provide a much-needed shot in the arm to help business bounce back as quickly as possible.

“We had more than 200 applications for the Strategic Business Round and the successful projects are shovel-ready and will have lasting, widespread benefits for South Australia’s regions.

“In good news for other applicants there is still more funding available from the Regional Growth Fund and some of the remaining projects from this round are still being considered.”

Member for Chaffey Tim Whetstone said the three new projects would be welcome news for the Riverland.

“The Marshall Liberal Government understands the importance of regional South Australia to the prosperity of our state,” said Mr Whetstone.

“This $2.6 million funding from the Regional Growth Fund will unlock nearly $10 million in investment benefiting the Riverland.

“The projects include an expansion to the Berri Hotel, an upgrade at Torrens Valley Orchards and an innovative project at Yalumba Wine Company to help future-proof South Australia’s wine industry – creating more than 120 jobs in the process.

“This is another great example of our government working collaboratively with industry to deliver positive outcomes for those in regional South Australia.”

The Marshall Liberal Government has committed $150 million over 10 years through the Regional Growth Fund to support regional South Australia as part of the Recharging Our Regions policy.

Applicants to the Regional Growth Fund were eligible to seek grants from $50,000 up to $2 million, with projects given preference if they can demonstrate a greater private-to-government funding ratio and demonstrable strong economic outcomes.

The applications were assessed by an independently chaired panel, and advice was recommended based on how well they aligned to the criteria of this Fund. There is still $7.7 million in funding available in the Regional Growth Fund with further applicants from the stimulus round being considered from the Strategic Business Round.

For more information, visit www.pir.sa.gov.au/regionalgrowthfund


Project Description

Funding Sought

Total Project Investment


Yalumba Wine Company

Establish a high health grapevine germplasm collection and field nursery development



Riverland and Barossa Valley

Berri Hotel Inc.

Construction of additional 20 rooms to the Berri Resort Hotel, and landscaping.




Torrens Valley Orchards

Install fully automated overhead sprinkler system to expand cultivation area & respond to climate impacts



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